研究論文徵文 & 研究論文專場徵集辦法 (報名截止)
Call for Papers and Call for Panels
會議日期:2023/6/29 (四)~7/1 (六)
Conference Date: June 29 (Thursday) to July 1 (Saturday), 2023
About the Conference
Chinese Buddhism has made significant contributions in terms of philosophy, political discourses, literature and art, leaving behind a spectacular cultural legacy. One of Master Sheng Yen’s life-long missions was to make Chinese Buddhist teachings and values known. The Bi-annual Chinese Buddhism & Sheng Yen International Conference was started in accordance to Master Sheng Yen’s mission and has been a valued revenue of academic interactions for many Buddhist scholars. It is part of Sheng Yen Educational Foundation’s effort to build a multi-channeled and interdisciplinary research platform for Chinese Buddhist Studies. The Foundation would like to invite proposals of all recent discoveries, original perspectives, and new methods regarding Chinese Buddhism from all approaches, including philosophy, culture, history, language, and text. In-depth academic studies are essential to comprehending and promoting Chinese Buddhism. We look forward to your participation to open a new page for the Chinese Buddhism & Sheng Yen International Conference.
• 佛教論典的形成、注疏與傳播
• 漢傳佛教四百年:文獻、歷史與文化
• 聖嚴法師的思想與實踐
• 心靈環保與社會實踐
• 凡與漢傳佛教或聖嚴思想相關研究論文
Conference Themes
• The formation, commentarial additions, and dissemination of the Buddhist Shastra
• Texts, history, and culture during the premodern and modern Chinese Buddhism
• Thought and practice of Master Sheng Yen
• Spiritual Environment Protection
• Any academic paper on Chinese Buddhism or Sheng Yen thoughts
1. 投稿方式:請至本會官網線上詳填報名資料。
2. 論文全文須於截止日前提交,並於《第九屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會》中發表。
Call for Papers
1. Please refer to the website and apply online.
2. Please submit the completed paper before the deadline and present it at the 9th Chinese Buddhism & Sheng Yen International Conference.
Call For Papers 線上投稿簡易操作說明
報名請按此 Apply Now (報名截止)
1. 投稿方式:請至本會官網線上詳填報名資料。
2. 每一專場發表小組必須有3~4篇相關論文才能成立;小組所有論文全文須論文全文截止日前提交,並於《第九屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會》中發表。小組成員不超過5 人 (須含主持人、發表人、評論人,小組成員可重複擔任)。
3. 因場次有限,以專場論文為優先 (特別鼓勵跨單位合作)。
Call for Panels
1. Please refer to the website and apply online.
2. Each panel must consist of 3~4 related papers, with the completed papers submitted by the deadline and presented at the 9th Chinese Buddhism & Sheng Yen International Conference. The maximum number of participants (including the chair, presenters, and commentators) in a panel is limited to five. Participants can assume multiple roles.
3. Due to the limited number of sessions, priority is given to panels, with panels coordinated by multiple institutions especially encouraged.
Call For Panels 線上投稿簡易操作說明
報名請按此 Apply Now(報名截止)
1. 投稿截止日期:2023年1月13日。
2. 審查公布:2023年2月15日前公布於財團法人聖嚴教育基金會官網。(審查公布延後至2023.02.20公告)
3. 論文全文截止日:2023年5月30日 (逾期以棄權論)。
1. Deadline for submission: January 10, 2023.
2. Selection outcome will be announced on the Sheng Yen Educational Foundation website on February 15, 2023.
3. Submission of completed papers: May 30, 2023. Submission after the due date will not be considered and will be taken as a withdrawal.
Email: syf@shengyen.org.tw
Organizer: Sheng Yen Education Foundation
Address: 2F., No.48-6, Sec. 2, Ren-ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2397-9300
Email: syf@shengyen.org.tw