1-01 The Sneakers - Our needs are few; our wants many.
1-02 Landing on the Moon - Do your utmost - no matter who gains or loses.
1-03 The Gossip - About to speak? Think a moment. Slow your speech a bit. It's not that you should not speak, but rather that you should cherish what you say and choose your words with care.
1-04 Exercise - The busiest have the most time; the diligent, the best health.
1-05 The Vacation - Having few desires bring riches without worry.
1-06 The Pearl - Only after you encounter affliction and adversity will you summon the mind of diligence.
1-07 The Cab Driver - Do what you have to do with wisdom; treat people with care and compassion.
1-08 When Life Gives You Lemons - Life's ups and downs are the stuff of growth and development.
1-09 The Wood-Chopping Competition - Finish your work quickly, but in an orderly manner; don't become nervous trying to compete with time itself.
1-10 The Weight-Loss Plan - True diligence doesn't mean placing your life at risk. It is simply unwavering persistence.
1-11 The Funny Mirror - Always keep your body and mind relaxed and meet everyone with a smile; relaxation makes your mind and body healthy, and a smile gathers friends and friendship.
1-12 The Blind Man's Lantern - Making life easier for others is making your life easier for yourself.
1-13 The Dark Spot - When you change your way of thinking, what is around you will transform accordingly; nowhere in the world will you find absolute good or bad.
1-14 Your Good Fortune - The aim of life is to receive karmic retribution, fulfill vows, and make new ones.
1-15 The Best Ear of Corn - The value of life is not in duration but in contribution.
1-16 The Future - The past is an illusion; the future, a dream; the present, essential.
1-17 The Shepherd And the Wolf - You have a particular role and responsibility in life; act accordingly.
1-18 Fallen Leafs - Worry causes needless injury! Mindfulness brings security.
1-19 Facing Life's Difficulties - The four steps in dealing with any problem: face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go.
1-20 The Dream Team - We love to grasp what we love and reject what we dislike; gain and loss, gain and loss - vexations are sure to come.
1-21 The Starfish - Kind words on everyone's lips! Good deeds in everyone's heart! Good fortune in everyone's life!
1-22 Everything Under the Sun - Wisdom is not simply knowledge, nor experience, nor idle speculation; it is an attitude that transcends self-centeredness.
1-23 Inner Peace - Offering yourself is cultivation; calming your mind is success.
1-24 The Parrot - Right now you gather what you have planted; what you harvest tomorrow, you plant at this moment.
1-25 The Camels and the Will - Wisdom comes at the moment when vexations perish from the mind; compassion is nothing more than sharing benefits with others.
1-26 The Model-Building Competition - Busy but not in disarray; tired but not worn out.
1-27 The Opponent - Be a bottomless receptacle for the ills of the world; study to be a spotless mirror that reflects the world as it is.
1-28 The Power of Praise - Be thankful at every opportunity: good and bad fortune are both allies.
1-29 Alwayse Be Grateful - Great possessions don't necessarily bring satisfaction; few possessions don't necessarily lead to poverty.
1-30 The Partner - Look at yourself with contrition; at the world with gratitude.
2-01 How to Solve a Problem - Set others before you to complete yourself, respect others to put an end to enmity, praise others to encourage harmony.
2-02 The Hourglass - Do not care about what is past or in the future, good or bad. It is best to care only about what is present.
2-03 The Nails - Reduce pointless emotions and avoid unnecessary trouble.
2-04 Think Before You Act - First, have no worries no matter what you do. Simply choose the right person, adopt the right approach, and when the time is right, you will overcome what is before you.
2-05 Traveling Light - Happiness does not derive from how famous you are or how much money you have; rather it is a measure of inner peace and contentment with few desires.
2-06 Grow Wisdom - When you recognize that you lack wisdom, your wisdom has already increased imperceptibly.
2-07 The Witty Response - Just as you would not ask others to wear your own shoes, don't make someone else's problems your own.
2-08 Make a Wish - With maturity, there are no cares about the past; with intelligence, there are no doubts about the present; with an unobstructed mind, there is no worry about the future.
2-09 The Stones - If you truly let go of everything, then you can encompass everything and everything becomes yours.
2-10 The Size of the Vessel - Nothing around you is either good or bad, but seems so according to how you look at it.
2-11 The Greatest Fortune - Breathing is wealth - as long as you are alive there is hope.
2-12 A Heart of Gold - Emphasize the cultivation of virtuous karmic causes; do not simply expect delightful karmic effects.
2-13 Generosity - Benefiting others takes a pure mind that seeks neither reward nor return.
2-14 The Misunderstanding - If you let other people misunderstand you, it's nobody's fault but your own.
2-15 The Nurses - The meaning of life lies in continuous learning and giving of oneself; help others to succeed and you will grow.
2-16 The Missed Flight - Clearly see that everything in the world is impermanent, and you can realize the inner world of true peace.
2-17 Forgiveness - When you meet others, connect with kindness, not resentment, and you will enjoy relationships of harmony and a life of joy.
2-18 The Angel's Wings - In speech add a measure of virtue, take away a degree of vice. Act in this way and you cultivate great merit and blessing.
2-19 The Finish Line - Look at life and be filled with limitless hope. Look at death and be prepared at any time.
2-20 The Prescription - A good method to lighten strain and stress: lessen the mind of gain and loss; increase the mind of appreciation.
2-21 Turning Words into Action - Don't just express gratitude. Make it a reality.
2-22 The Violinist - If you can cherish causes and conditions as they transpire from moment to moment, then each moment is unique.
2-23 Letting Go - If you put your "self" in everything, then you have problems and trouble. Remove " self" concern with gain and loss and you will achieve liberation.
2-24 Three Pieces of Candy - In dealing with those under you: show concern rather than reproach; give encouragement rather than direction; discuss rather than command.
2-25 The Secret of Happiness - A narrow mind and insatiable greed will deprive even the wealthy of happiness.
2-26 The Broken String - When the mind is undisturbed by circumstances, that is the result of meditative concentration. When the mind is not separate from circumstances, that is the function of wisdo
2-27 Stone and Stand - Compassion is judicious affection. Wisdom is flexible intelligence.
2-28 Climbing the Mountain - To wholly experience life is to practice Chan.
2-29 We Reap What We Sow - A practitioner should be honest and sincere, and harbor no evil thoughts. This is the meaning of “a straightforward mind is the ground of the Way.”
2-30 Silly - The arising and perishing of phenomena is the way of the world. The wise thoroughly penetrate this arising and perishing.