1-03.Public Umbrellas
1-09.Karaoke is not Okay
1-10.Bacteria Wars
1-11.Dirty Crew Leader
1-13.Water Outage for 48 Hours
1-14.Priority Seats
1-16.Jenny's Sun Glasses
1-17.My Dog Pudding
1-19.The Secret
1-20.The Smiling Old Lady
1-22.Thieves are in Neighbor's House
2-02.Good Manners in the Library
2-03.The Meanings of Volunteering
2-09.A Lesson at the Summer Camp
2-12.Reading Passport for Dad and Me
2-16.The Taste of Real Food
2-17.Parents are my ATM
2-20.A Good Day Is A Optimistic Day
2-22.The Time Magic
3-03.Financial Managementls Easy
3-07.A Busy Day
3-09.The Courtesy to Give Way
3-10.Theater Popcorn
3-13. You Are My Eyes
3-14. An Honesty Store
3-15. All About Bribery
3-18. Good Guy and Bad Guy
3-19.A Spare Cake
3-20.Manners for Visiting a Cultural Center
3-21.Helping While Showing Respect
4-09.Stop the Rumor
4-12.Warm-hearted Consideration
4-18.Having Dinner Together
4-19.The Courage to Admit Mistakes
5-05.The Black Swan and the White Swan
5-06."Free" Waste
5-07.The Drum King on the Rooftop
5-08.Eating with Intention
5-10.The King of Tardiness
5-11.Garbage or Treasure
5-12.Learning to Let Go
5-20 The Flowers Are Gone
5-22.What Should I Do, If I Don't Like